面試 Jan 21 2022 USC. UI developer

Posted by Rich on 2022-01-22

公司: United software coporation.
職位: UI developer
在 Indeed 上申請的。申請的隔天就邀請面試。19 號和人資通話過後(中文),21 號就第一次面試了。

我以為第一階段面試也是會用中文,結果直接用英文開始。英文的部份雖然也有準備,但不夠完全。有些地方答的很爛。我的天,我覺得慘了。現在剛寫完第二階段的筆試。問一些基本的 HTML, CSS, JavaScript。問題不難,但是都要用英文回答,
list new features if HTML5
what is the tabindex introduce?
diff between block element and inline element
what's the href in a tag?
what's the link tag?
diff between ol and ul tah
explain meta tags in HTML
introduce box-model
how many ways to apply css?
what's the pseudo-class?
how can you make webpage responsive?
what’s the media-query?
how to hide a html element by using css?
what does “position: fixed” means?
how many ways to apply JS to your html file?
what’s event propagation?
difference between primitive type and reference type?
difference between === (triple equal) and == (double equal)?
what’s hoisting?
What is scope in JS?
What is promise in JS
Common request methods you know
Have you used React to build up a website before? What is the advantage of React?
In React, do you know any technique of React for preventing the repeating code?

幾乎所有問題的東西都用過,但能不能解釋出來而且用英文就是另一回事了。JS 的東西其實都知道,但就是不知道要怎麼用英文說。如果是直接考我寫 code 的話就好了。
React 蠻簡單的,但第二題沒寫。我直覺反應不就寫個 function 就好了嗎? 但覺得這未免太簡單了。沒想到答案就是這個。哭啊。

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